Monday, November 26, 2007

Watch Out for the Penis!

My sister was sharing a story with me. Turns out my nephew's new thing is running around naked trying to touch people with his penis.

He's 18 years old.

I'm kidding. He is not 18. He is two. And he is a cutie patootie.

I guess my nephews (the other is five) take their baths each night and then run around naked. Well, my brother-in-law makes a point of being grossed out by little boy penis on his person. As anyone knows (parent or not), this attitude will only make them want to do it even more.

So my nephew likes to take his clothes off and chase his brother and his father and try to touch them with his penis.

I can't wait for him to go to the prom or get married. This will surely come back to haunt him.

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