Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Say something....

Everyone had to say something nice about Beeno.

We stood around his grave. My brother put a large rock at his head. Each of us had something wonderful to say.

My niece cried and gave me a hug. I was inconsolable.

J sat in the truck because he was crying. I think he was trying not to look weepy in front of my brother.

I tried to get the dirt off of the rock my brother had placed on the grave. When I wasn't doing it very well, my brother reached down to do it for me.

I was moved by that gesture. He recognized the importance of Beeno in my life and did nothing but help me in this transition. No ridicule, no harsh words. Kind gestures. I love my family.

We went to see my mother who was quite upset that I didn't stop to get her. I regret that now.

We walked back to the grave together. She was fighting back tears. I just cried.

Seeing it for the first time without the backhoe and without my truck was wrenching. Here lay my bubby.

Buried, alone, cold, dead.

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