Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Brainstorming for Effective Titles

Exercise Six:
Brainstorming for effective titles
Brainstorm for the title of a short story or magazine article you've recently begun.
[I am going to have to start using different names instead of 'Exercise X.' I will have to use the date perhaps? I'll have to think about it.]

I haven't recently begun either of those things, but I do have thoughts about a book I would like to write. Having dealt with a mother suffering with mental illness, I would like to write about it and the horrible path available to those with mental illness and those suffering alongside them. Possible titles:
The cat likes pancakes: Living with psychological disorders
Grandma thinks I'm the cat again: How can family and friends cope with those struggling with mental illness

I always thought that if I ever wrote an autobiography or memoir (as if people might be interested in that), I would like the title to be:
I don't have pooh on my underwear

And I offer no explanation here.

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