The Southern Women's Show offered opportunities for women to pamper themselves. They also offered seminars and such. Some things we found quite entertaining - as we have listed below.
On one stage, the announcer on the overhead speaker system told of a talk by a physician about childhood obesity and what can be done to help and to prevent it. While in the same announcement, the speaker told us about a seminar on the food stage - How to Bake with your children. Hmmm. Childhood obesity - how to prevent it or How to bake with my child? I don't see a problem with this. Your kid is a fat bastard, bake with him or her. Nothing makes it all better like a cookie or cake. My sister and I laughed about this for a good hour. Hey - it was slow.
The number of alleged all natural products. We had one woman come to our table excited because our products truly are all natural. She looked at the ingredients and spoke with us. She told us that she was at another booth claiming to be all natural when they listed chemical preservatives in their products. She complained, to which the cute dolly said, "well, you need some preservatives." As a side note - we have heard this time and again. You must have some preservative. In truth - all body care products are going to be exposed to bacteria the minute you open the lid or the minute you stick your finger in. No amount of preservatives is going to prevent that. Most products, in fact, recommend that you only keep them for 6 months. We tout the same thing - and have no chemicals whatsoever (including preservatives and scents).
The scents were another issue. Don't claim to have natural products if you use synthetic scents. Anyone who has smelled a product with an essential oil can immediately tell the difference between natural and synthetic. The difference is that dramatic. I also love that people prefer the synthetic. Get your nose away from our products!
People constantly surprised us. We had more people looking for free stuff than anything! Come on, do we look big enough to have free stuff? We are a small company run by my sister and me. We don't have free samples. Try anything you like on our table. Free samples aren't going to help much.
I also have issue with my sister. She is this petite little thing. She is also 9 months pregnant. She looks awesome! I would not look nearly as pretty and perfect if I was pregnant. Hell, I don't look like that not-pregnant. I told her that.
She also had a complaint. "If one more person comes up and asks me when I'm due, or what the baby is, or anything like that, I am going to kill them." Harsh words. But understandable since everyone made a comment. EVERYONE! I was starting to get annoyed. At one point I wanted to respond to those asking "what are you having" with "a baby, you moron". Pam is much too nice. She said "a boy". Having never been pregnant, I don't know any of the feelings. I just imagine that I won't be doing shows because I will be the pregnant lady with Tourette's syndrome. It won't be pretty.
If you want to be pretty - take a look at Wild Mountain Organics' website. We have some new products and new opportunities. Check it out today!
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